So today I began my second attempt at a Necron army. I sold my first army after it became to stale for my liking.

The list I have decided to go with is not the most competitive but I really like it and think it will work well.


Doomsday Arc
Doomsday Arc

Fast Attack
Wraiths x5
Whip Coils

Warriors x10
Warriors x10
Warriors x10
Ghost Ark x1

I was able to get all my basing started by adding the larger rocks as well as begin cleaning warrior legs.

I was also able to get my mould done for scarabs because GW does not feel its required to sell scarabs in their own box.

Well thats it for now time to get back to the assembly line.

So I have been working on a few individual models for an army list I will be playing in locally run 40k tournament next month. Here is a Champ with a meltagun and a close combat weapon.

I have been trying new techniques with the green stuff. On this model I tried to make it look like skulls were coming out from the model I don't think it looks too bad. I know I can probably do better but I recently broke my hand in 4 places so its making it a little difficult to do some of the things I would normally do without skipping a beat.

Anyway back to work! more progress and photos to come!

So hello to everyone! This is my first post of many! I really hope to get between 2-4 posts in a week. I hope to have one painting/modelling, 1-2 game reports, and one random other post.

Thanks everyone!